All presentations should be done in English.

1. Oral presentations

The time scheduled for the oral presentations is 12 minutes + 3 minutes for discussion. Please prepare slides in English. 

2. STSM & Virtual grants presentations

The time scheduled for presentations in the STSM & Virtual grants Session is 8 minutes + 2 minutes for questions. Please prepare slides in English.

3. Poster presentations

At least one author for each poster must be present for discussion of the work during the poster session.

The choice of presentation (oral, STSM, or poster) must be specified in the submission form. Those who choose oral presentations must also indicate the topic of reference. Due to the limited number of oral communications, authors, at the discretion of the Scientific Committee, may be invited to change the status of their presentation from oral to poster.

Instructions for Presenters

At least one of the authors must register by 17 May 2024 and present their contribution. All oral presenters should have their PowerPoint slides ready on a USB key on the day of the presentation and they must provide the presentation to the organization at least in the break before the session.

Poster will be printed to be exhibited in the panels. The recommended size is 120 x 90 cm. It is recommended to include the sections recognized in a scientific work: Title, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results and Conclusions. The times for the poster session will be informed in the final program. During this time, one of the author must be in the poster to answer the potential questions about the work presented.